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write for us we pay

According to their website, “as an experiment a small monthly budget is being set aside to pay for written content.” They will pay for news, tips and tricks, and industry commentary. The more clicks it gets, the more we will pay you. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TSCYKT5?sm=P%2bTI3UALB1rlCBgvlYElag%3d%3d. If you earn K5 in one hour of writing 800 words, that is more than the Minimum Wage. Your article should be unique, which is not already on themysteriousworld [dot] com. https://www.incomediary.com/write-for-incomediary. They’re looking for insider tips on earning more income as a travel writer and insightful interviews. NOTE: We do NOT accept guest posts, nor will we post your infographic or “custom tailored article for Today I Found Out from [your] highly trained authors” in exchange for link backs or any such thing. The tagline for this site is “field notes for feminists in business,” so it’s pretttttty self-explanatory what they’re looking for. Make sure you also send us your PayPal address along with the article. Slate. How fucking cool is that!? Give us only 1 hour, and we’ll write you a stunning essay containing great research, a smart thesis statement, strong argumentation, and 100% correct grammar. This list is a good place to start. Email query or article to frankt@nccoast.org following these guidelines. 5. ";font-size: 18px;position: relative;}header.entry-header .entry-title{color: #fff;margin-bottom: 15px;position: relative;}header.entry-header{position: relative;text-align: center;color: #fff;padding: 10% 25px 12%;overflow: hidden;background: #607d8b url(https://themysteriousworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/write-and-get-paid.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;background-position: center;}.tmw_submitlist{ height: 50px; width: 100%; max-width: 500px; background: #00aeef; display: block; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; font-size: 20px; color: #fff; margin: 0 auto;}.tmw_submithead{ text-align: center;}.tmw_sumbitlogo:before{ content: "\e000"; font: 68px/26px TMW_Iconset; color: #00aeef;}.tmw_sumbitlogo{ overflow: hidden; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: -5px; width: 72px; height: 23px;}.tmw_submitlist:hover{ opacity: 0.8; color: #fff;}. Your name will be mentioned under your post, along with a short description. We pay on publication, at month-end. http://www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/story-guidelines. header.entry-header:before{content: '';background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.51);position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 500px;}header.entry-header:after{content:"Be a part of our journey! If you know a thing or two about food, nutrition, or even kitchen appliances, you’ll want to pitch this site. Get Paid to Write: 17 Websites That’ll Pay You $100+ to Write in 2018 1. Ability to write clearly and concisely. The tagline for this site is “field notes for feminists in business,” so it’s pretttttty self-explanatory what they’re looking for. ), so definitely check ‘em out! https://www.freshbooks.com/blog/contribute. http://www.alaskaairlinesmagazine.com/contributor/guidelines/. The Dollar Stretcher is a group of publications dedicated to “Living Better…for … Would you like an article about it?” 2. You should include the list of references at the end of your post. Free. First, we don’t offer the opportunity to publish in a peer-reviewed publication by virtue of not being one — and recognize the importance of doing so, especially for early-career scholars — so money is meant to be compensation for that. This article features 17 magazines that pay writers to write about health-related topics; many of these magazines pay well, and you can write about anything health-related including health discoveries and news, natural health, mental health, animal health, etc. Article fee’s are negotiable and we are willing to pay for the right article and author. So, get to it! You'll just be showing us your idea at first. Marchant). We have undergone so many changes over the years, and those of you who have been following the site for many years will remember how more content was served up regularly. it will really be rewarding for both of us. We’re tired of it, too. Payment Method: Unspecified https://www.liisbeth.com/contributors/guidelines/. ), How to set up a client-winning writing portfolio (even if you have NO experience! They expect the articles to be more than 800 words, but pay only $5, which is pathetic if you ask me. How to submit Please send us: a brief description of the piece you are proposing in 100 words or less, accompanied by an example of your previous work either as a link or an attachment to hodderscape@hodder.co.uk . It may not be much, and I assure you none of us are making much to do this, but we do have a budget for freelancers and we … Everyone can see the feedback everyone else is getting -- if you don't know how to write for an audience, this is the quickest way to learn. …The only way to find out is to pitch. All Rights Reserved. But overall, it looks like a great opportunity to take a break from technical/business writing and make money sharing a personal story! They pay up to $100 per article for accepted articles. We Want to Pay You to Write for Us. If you would like to submit an article to us, please adhere to the following guidelines: 1. The number of … Write For Us We’re looking for talented Gaming Journalists and Game reviewers. If you need help pitching and winning your first clients, join over 7,000 writers in my FREE CLASS (that has LITERALLY helped writers land paid client work! We are open to your unique contributions and chances are high that your work will be presented to millions of readers given its quality requirements. The only question is: Do you have the writing chops to tell a compelling story in 100 words or less? When the article is published after 48 hours, we will carry out paying via PayPal. ), tutorial on how to use it to send freelance writing invoices right here. Based on the quality of your work, we will credit an amount between $25 and $50 to your PayPal Account. This site also accepts articles about cultural travel, country guides, teaching abroad, and working abroad in general. So, I think it’s pretty cool that this site pays writers to talk about mental health. com Write For Us and Get Paid We are looking for new writers in 2020! So remember to write the heck out of it. We pay. This is not more for experts in various fields (Top Paying IT Certifications) but for part time writers is quite enough. (And if you’re a damn good writer who also knows how to pitch/market yourself? Pretty straightforward. The acceptance rate is 12%-18% with no compromise in quality. Qualified writers will be promoted to the TMW Editorial Team. Ability to research and report correctly on a topic. There’s really no benefit to us in waiting and paying someone else to do it. Even if your English sucks, it does not matter! (PSSSTT! Your work will get published before the eyes of millions of readers. 09 May 2017. Also, they’re putting out weekly articles, so the potential for lots of work is definitely there if you’re a WordPress guru! Not only will the sites in this blog post help you get paid to write – they’ll also help you build your portfolio with impressive portfolio pieces, which can result in even MORE paid client work! If your dream is to get paid to write articles at home, ignore the naysayers … Leave that work to our editors, who will find best the images that match well with your post. The decision is yours. http://biggreyhorse.com/texas-writers-wanted. That’s why Carol started paying for posts a few years back — and why she upped her rates to $75+ last fall. Reluctant Wearers of Tiny Sweaters. Help break the stigma by sharing your story, and get paid for it – win-win! write for us and get paid your job as a gaming intel writer is to cover up to the minute intel on your chosen subject. Writers who sign up … Being factually correct is important, and so is proper citation and linking. We pay writers for all guest posts. And it’s why we update our list of sites that pay on a regular basis. If your work is exciting for us then it will get published on the very front page of The Mysterious World for our millions of monthly visitors. ): Sign up now for instant access to the class on how to make your first $1,000 writing online with NO EXPERIENCE! Vibrant Life is a bimonthly magazine with a focus on healthy living – physically, mentally, and spiritually- with a “Christian perspective.”One very interesting fact about this one is that they do accept already published articles under certain circumstances.Their guidelines page states that they will look at articles already published elsewhere if:You can expect anywhere from 4100 to $300 per article. http://www.transitionsabroad.com/information/writers/writers.shtml. Below is the new-and-improved, early 2021 edition of Make a Living Writing’s list of websites that pay … Typical payment you can expect: £0.40 per 1,000 views If you feel you're up to the challenge please show us your strengths by submitting a new article of roughly 200 words on your favourite player or team to us and we will get back to you with more information. Your post should be very authentic and genuine. If interested, we’ll probably ask for some tweaks before giving you an assignment. This is another site on the list that I’ll have to pitch myself! We will fix headings, sub headings, grammar, etc, and you will earn $4 per article! Displaying your name and biographical information is optional. Liisbeth – Share your feminist perspective on entrepreneurship and politics. You can write one or several lists for us, or you can choose to be a regular contributor. we want to pay you to write for us. The number of … Your article should be up to 800 words, and it should share a “crazy, touching, or hilarious” experience you had in college. They also accept non-fiction works and encourage submissions from people of color (which is awesome!). But if you don’t know how to PITCH yourself and MARKET your writing? Start by taking a look at the articles we have on this site to understand the type of content we publish. If you are ready to write for us, please contact us via email: [email protected] How to pay. , https://www.rd.com/100-word-stories-submissions/, (HEY! Please show us a previously published writing sample, along with a The article should contain ten list items and a minimum of 1000 words. See you there!). Wepay sent us this email yesterday.. “Upon review, we have determined that we will no longer be able to process payments for your WePay Payments account. If your dream is to get paid to write articles at home, ignore the naysayers because there are plenty of websites that will pay you to write. The Dollar Stretcher. For someone to write a paper Pay To Write My Paper Can i pay for someone do. That’s the … Let's walk together beyond the world. E.C. just make one—it’s easy and free); or we reply and say “Sorry—it isn’t the sort of thing our readers will love—give it another shot.” Just remember, your list should be at least one or two paragraphs per entry. We’ll be honest, though: writing for ALA takes work. Find out more. It takes a while before going through each of them. by Jorden | Freelance Writing Tips, Make Money, Motivation/Advice, Start Freelancing, Uncategorized. Don’t steal content from other websites. You also need to add a list of references at the end of the article. Free. Before submitting, we recommend reviewing the WeAreTeachers blog to understand our style, format, and tone. It may not be much, and I assure you none of us are making much to do this, but we do have a budget for freelancers and we … UPDATED – September 2020 Unfortunately, The Overtake is no longer taking commissions. Suggest a Topic Submit your Article Get Paid; Step 1: Send us your best topic and outline for an article that you would like to write along with your fee expectation. Writing Together is a publication aimed at bringing writers from all backgrounds together. For that kind of money, definitely worth a sign-up! We are the Copywritng Network, we provide work for copywriters instantly with minimum payout set at $1.00. If you’ve been writing for sites that pay less than $100 per assignment, it’s time for a change. You don’t need to be an expert writer, you just need to have the ability to research and create content that readable and enjoyable. If you’d like to get paid to write about … you will get noticed by our audiences and we will get some hot content from you. So remember to write the heck out of it. Explain every point in simple words. You can also share an opinion about college (“why college is bullshit” – LOL I’ll have to submit for that one myself! To submit a pitch, click this link, which takes you to the Cracked Comedy Workshop (again, it won't be visible unless you do the steps above first). I have a tutorial on how to use it to send freelance writing invoices right here, so be sure to check that out before you leave this post so you can easily track your finances, make tax time WAY simpler, and send your clients AMAZING, pro invoices! 1,212 likes. You can submit your article here and our editorial team will review and let you know if it is a fit for our website. If you’re a Texas writer and/or have visited a Texas location and want to write about it, check this site out. Just be prepared to write a pretty lengthy piece if you want to get paid the big bucks (they pay up to $160 for 3K-4K words)! You can also share a little biographical information about yourself. This is another site on the list that I’ll have to, instant access to the class on how to make your first $1,000 writing online with NO EXPERIENCE, cold emailing course for writers, Killer Cold Emailing, when you boldly put yourself out there and pitch / cold email, click here and join over 7,000 writers in my FREE class, use this pitching guide to make sure your pitches have the BEST shot at getting accepted, click here and get my free, in-depth cold emailing and pitching guide! ), My best-selling cold emailing course for writers, Killer Cold Emailing, Free SEO cheat sheet based on what I do to get crazy-high Google Search rankings over and over. Once your article gets purchased and published, themysteriousworld [dot] com become the sole owner of all copyrights of that article. List-driven written features are our bread and butter. This site accepts product reviews, informative articles, and ultimate “how-to” guides, with the ultimate guides paying the most. Sports Pundit ranking - the more and the better you write, the higher your rank Ready to try? Choose an excellent topic to write that comes under four major categories – Nature, Travel, Lifestyle, and Universe. Topics need to be unique and high impact. 5. They also have positions open for regular, part-time writers – so this has potential to become a consistent gig! USPs [unique selling propositions] were.” So if you’ve dreamed of getting paid to watch porn, we’ve got proof it’s possible! reason to write for us: Gain Exposure: Writing for a website with over six million monthly page views each month means that your work will be read and noticed by a large audience. Ensure your article is original and unique, with excellent spelling and punctuation. Don’t steal the content from other sites. We build themysteriousworld.com on such a burning desire to add something new in the age of data explosion. ): This site is looking for pieces that are 1,200 words or less, so you’ve gotta be concise. You can ask us about the details in the application. You need to understand your rates on what to charge, but also what qualification are a must. $75 – $200 per article. We love writers who pay close attention to detail and submit their posts in our preferred manner. You'll see a whole bunch of threads full of advice and archives of accepted articles. We pay via Paypal at the end of the month your post appears (on Mass Pay, so no fees get taken out! We often have a backlog of guest posts and only use 4-5 per month, so it may take 8-10 weeks for your post to appear. All pending payments have been canceled and any existing payments will be refunded to the payers.” I filed a ticket requesting to know the reason and received this.. Write for Us We are looking for curated gamers who wish to write for us. After that, it will go up to $250 per list. Do not se… Hey, we are hiring to hear your IM story! ... How much does it pay? You do not have to be a great professional writer. Clubhouse. Write for one of five sections: Guest Columns, Our Coast, News and Features, Science or Special Reports. Plenty of places to see and write about! Your work will sit there, collecting dust and never resulting in any paid client work. If you don’t have anything to promote, we will PAY YOU for the list. Find out about how to submit your articles and participate in this initiative to write and earn. It works like this: You write your list (10 items per list minimum), you send it in, we reply and say “Great—we’ll publish it” and send you $100 by PayPal (don’t have an account? They also have 1,000 subscribers and over 10K social media followers, so you’ll get your writing in front of quite a few feminist entrepreneurs! We would love to see some of your previously published work. They prefer research-backed pieces written from a 3rd person point of view, and they expect articles to be between 1,200 to 1,800 words in length. Today our site attracts millions of visitors every month from across the world. You need not add photos or videos with your work. We want your article to be at its best, and we’ll push you to get there. Ever wished you could see your name inside an in-flight magazine? We pay only in EUR/USD with PayPal We can add credit to your Xeovo account If you are interested in writing for us, please submit a sample article and the topics that you enjoy/would want to write about to [email protected] for review. This, my friend, is how you get writing samples and start getting paid to write. Make sure you also send us your PayPal address along with the article. If you work for a gaming company, or are somehow involved in gaming, esports, or VR, we would love to hear from you. Writers are paid $150 for their first five lists. Based on the quality of your work, we will credit an amount between $25 and $50 to your PayPal Account. Being from the Lone Star State myself, I know we’ve got a LOT of neat-o destinations here. 5. As long as you’re willing to do the work, it’s definitely possible to get paid to write – and earn good money – even if you’re starting out with no experience and no credentials. http://www.thetravelwriterslife.com/writers-guidelines/. It’s start from $60,000 and some expert writers earn up to $130,000. If you feel you're up to the challenge please show us your strengths by submitting a new article of roughly 200 words on your favourite player or team to us and we will get back to you with more information. Remember: If you want to learn HOW to pitch and cold email based on what I did to land over $800 in paid client work my first month as a full-time freelance writer – even if you have no experience – click here and get my free, in-depth cold emailing and pitching guide!). Write for us paid. Pick a couple of sites to pitch from this list, and get started! Having written for Freshbooks before, I can tell you that their editor is SUPER nice and easy to work with.

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