
fev 10

why do snakes periscope

The record process being followed is for Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet, recorded by Charles Munch and the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Few if any were equipped with seat belts, and the Bel Air (like many cars of its era) had protruding items on the dash board, a telescoping steering wheel column the... Fortuna Films Corp. Productions presents a 1950’s era, black and white movie called, Pin-Up Girl, by Russell Patterson. GROUNDBREAKING HUMAN REPRODUCTION & SEX ED FILM "HUMAN GROWTH" 46504, VIETNAM WAR DOCUMENTARY THE VILLAGE THAT REFUSES TO DIE PART 1 77314, " THREE COUNTIES AGAINST SYPHILIS " 1938 AFRICAN AMERICAN V.D. However most of these appear to be sight gags of one kind or another. The vessel was named after Admiral Maximilian von Spee, commander of the East Asia Squadron that fought the battles of Coronel and Falkland Islands in World War I. At the 1:39 mark, Immunoglobulin injections are shown, a stop-gap measure in fighting the disease. It begins with a narrative, about a nephew and his uncle ( 1:43 ). The idea that anyone would even consider denying the existence of the Holocaust, after viewing images such as these, is... One of the lovely travelogues produced by Van Beuren and RKO Pictures, this film about Madeira is narrated by Alois Havrilla and written by Russell Spaulding. While World War II raged across the globe, the U.S. Treasury Department and the Office Of War Information, Bureau Of Motion Pictures, produced numerous short subjects such as these to patriotically inspire and motivate... "Man and the FBM" shows the new Polaris submarines such as USS George Washington (SSBN-598) on deterrent patrol and describes the development of this important weapons system. 06: STRIP MALL (4.61) Zach and Cleo do lunch. Their names are Sheba and Shiloh. You can’t go wrong with any of these versatile names for your boy or girl cat. Outfitted as Coast Guard Auxilliary craft, these pleasure cruisers were tasked with such tasks as spotting enemy U-boats, and rescuing crews of ships sunk in the Battle of the Atlantic. Admiral Graf Spee was a Deutschland-class heavy cruiser (originally termed Panzerschiff or armoured ship, sometimes referred to as "pocket battleship") which served with the Kriegsmarine of Nazi Germany during World War II. The nation's first ballistic missile submarine, George Washington and its sister Polaris submarines including the USS Patrick Henry (SSBN-599) were the nation's undersea deterrent arm throughout the Cold War. This two part film tells the story of Father Augustine Nguyễn Lạc Hóa (c. 1908 – c. 1989), a refugee Chinese Catholic priest in South Vietnam, led a militia called the Sea Swallows that carved out an anticommunist enclave in the Viet Cong's Ca Mau Peninsula stronghold. Searching for cat names? This incredible 16mm silent film shows images of Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, California (near today's Santa Monica Pier) including the Miss Muscle Beach Beauty Contest. Black cats are beautiful and mysterious creatures. Between 1959 and 1972, the Space Nuclear Propulsion Office oversaw 23 reactor tests,   As the narrator states, "The proposed mission to explore the moon, in... Made for the home market by World in Color Productions, this silent color newsreel shows the first full scale hydrogen bomb test at Enewetak, known as Ivy Mike. He mostly ate her. At :38 a tactical map shows the German army's advance from Rostov and the Caucuses towards the Don River and Stalingrad and Kalach. At :42, German artillery bombards Soviet positions. This was... Sports International With Bud Palmer’s 1963 special, “Stirling Moss—Portrait of a Hero,” tells the story of British Formula One racing star Stirling Moss as Bud Palmer interviews Moss. Full of horrifying images that vividly show the baseless and vile nature of the Nazi death camps, it is hard to even begin to describe the images herein. I named her that because I thought she was pregnant when she arrived at my doorstep. It seemed plausible enough, but eventually the SDI plan diverged from High Frontier. Man I really thought Meow Meow would be on the funny category. Footage also includes Zebrugge, Scapa Flow and Firth of Forth. A bottle containing LSD is shown and one ounce is capable of producing 300,000 hallucinogenic trips (1:23). This was a large... Made in 1945, this morale boosting Soviet documentary/propaganda movie is about the Battle of Kursk during WWII. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. Arrested were three members of the Klan. It has been produced by Concept films (1:48). If you found the purr-fect one here, I’d love to hear about it. Full of horrifying images that vividly show the atrocious, baseless, inhuman and revoltingly vile nature of the Nazi death camps, it is hard to even begin to describe the images herein. This amazing training film graphically depicts various aircraft landing disasters. Copyright is 1964. It was founded by Daniel O. Graham, a retired lieutenant general in the U.S. Army who is often called the "father of SDI". A "closed" or buttoned-up tank is vulnerable because its crew cannot see the battlefield well, just through slits and periscopes. The expedition was under the overall command of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, no stranger to the Antarctic. Gray cats can't help but capture our attention when they walk into a room. 05: LIKE CLOCKWORK (4.67) The lies keep mounting for the ladies man. Once upon a time ago I had a black cat named Onyx. A beautiful black and white cat who showed up a few months ago no matter how hard I tried to chase her away. She made her own bed. A barrier landing, called for when a pilot has a landing gear problem, is shown as is the set-up of the barrier. Founded by and co-owned by a pair of documentary filmmakers, Periscope Film supports independent production and routinely makes material from the archive available for museums, researchers, and independent fiction and non-fiction filmmakers. I love so many of the names: Chief, Simba, Elton (we have a Ricky Martin chihuahua next door), Blaze, Peachy, Luna... seems like I might have to rescue a horde. This silent version was one of two produced; the other sound version runs about 20 minutes. The Secret Land is a 1948 American documentary film about an American expedition code-named "Operation High Jump" to explore Antarctica. I have a male Flame Point Himalayan (10 yrs old), whose name is Axel. Prepared for the home market, this silent WWII era Excel Newsreel was sold in Sears and other department stores for viewing by the American public. The film was released in the late 1930s as part of the remilitarization of Germany, in hopes of glorifying the nation's military legacy in the World War. The initial attack, Operation Pugilist ran into... “Communications: The Story of Communications” is a 1947 20th Century Fox black-and-white production explaining the importance of communication to mankind. Periscope Film also maintains the premiere library of WWII and Cold War U.S. Navy submarine films. In this first reel of the U.S. Navy training film This Is It, likely from the early 1940s, viewers watch as newly trained pilots arrive on a U.S. carrier, where they learn the importance of their operational training. King Edward VII inspects British troops (02:02). Thanks so much for your comments :-). The idea that anyone would even consider denying the... "Everything You Ever Wanted in a 16mm Projector" is an RCA promotional film made for the RCA 1600, probably in the mid-1960s. Let’s face it: Cats are adorable. The film begins in 1951 after a naturally induced mass hysteria episode in France, and then traces the work of Dr. Albert Hofmann who suffered similar symptoms after exposing himself to synthesized LSD in the 1930s. Calico cats are as original as their colorful markings. “The typewriter has greatly influenced the business, commercial, and economic progress of the nation. We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about... Made by the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis, this film shows the war against Poliomyetis, and the introduction of the vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas Salk. Directed by Hudson Faussett, photographed by Charles Beeland and narrated by Alan Prescott. Her nickname is "Ginger Ninja" or "Tiger". This 1956 education film explains the process of making vinyl records. As for my outdoor cats, I've had Queenie, a tabby for a few years now. The film opens with 1962 pageant winner Jean Allen (mark  00:25 ) who calmly explains that the pageant “is the search for the ideal high school senior in the nation” and details the various competitions leading up to the Junior Miss Pageant as scenes from her competition are shown. This rare film, made as a recruiting tool for this special service, discusses how it all works. At 1:50 the volcanic beaches are seen. The "fighting priest" and his "village that refused to die" attracted admiring media stories, and in 1964 he received the Ramon Magsaysay Award in the Public Service category. The first segment takes viewers to Green Island off the coast of the Solomon Islands in March of 1944 (:32). Opening: In 1933, people cheer Paul von Hindenburg, a German general and statesman who commanded the Imperial German Army during World War I and later became President of Germany. Here are some names for these beauties: Still haven't found a name you love? We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! Created by Cenco in 1961, this film discusses radioactive fallout and describes the types of radiation involved, how such radiation spreads, and how it affects living matter. The 1963 America’s Junior Miss Pageant is the subject of this color film. Title: Climb to Power. Cynthia Zirkwitz from Vancouver Island, Canada on August 28, 2019: Hi Carolyn-- Now I want to get a cat so I can give it one of the names on your list. The rest of the film shows these valiant pilots working in all sorts of weather and tactical conditions to deliver supplies and troops in the Asian theater. Then there are my two girls, both Himalayan mix, age 11, whom I rescued when they were just a few months old. Choosing a name for a female cat can take some thought. I also like umbra for a black cat. It was detonated on November 1, 1952 by the United States on Enewetak, an atoll in the Pacific Ocean, as... During a wartime emergency, the ships of the Coast Guard were supplemented by hundreds of civil craft. Coco is a ragdoll whose face looks like a seal, so we call her "seal nuggs". At :28 a Marine examines a Japanese emplacement or hole and... “Basic Typing Methods” is a 1943 black-and-white Encyclopedia Brittanica film produced under the supervision of the Bureau of Aeronautics for the Division of Personnel Supervision and Management. Hindenburg walks down a street. Dating from 1943, this fascinating newsreel features footage of the British 8th Army and American and Free French forces battling in North Africa against Rommel's Afrika Korps, and the Russian victory at Stalingrad. Subjects include the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Marines, Air Force, and civilian aviation, and conflicts from the Spanish-American War through WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. It includes rare training, combat, recruiting and history films made by the U.S. Government from 1914 through the mid-1980s. LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin was a German-built and -operated, passenger-carrying, hydrogen-filled, rigid airship which operated commercially from 1928 to 1937. Shot by a news cameraman in the late 1950s or early 1960s, this film contains disturbing images of car accident aftermaths. Liquid oxygen—abbreviated LOx, LOX or Lox in the aerospace, submarine and gas industries—is one of the physical forms of elemental oxygen. This was a joint program of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and NASA managed by the Space Nuclear Propulsion Office (SNPO) at the Nuclear Rocket Development Station in Jackass Flats, Nevada U.S.A. The Burlington Route, Rio Grande, and Western Pacific Railroads produced this tourism promotional film in the 1950's to highlight the California Zephyr luxury train, running between Chicago and San Francisco. No copyright is present,  this is circa 1938 based on research. The film features Dr. Jean Houston and Dr. Robert Masters, who used LSD to probe... One of the series of films produced by Jam Handy for Chevrolet, THRILL DRIVER'S CHOICE features thrill driver Joie Chitwood and his team putting 1956 Chevys through their paces as part of a "thrill show". Erika Augusto from Pexels, created in Canva. This episode of Air Force Now begins with a transport flight crew flying over South Korea, explaining their mission as part of Military Airlift Command. If your boy is serious, a tough guy, or the perfect gentleman, there might be a name here that fits him to a tee. I realize my cats get called by their middle names when they’re in trouble too. At 1:05, natives in boats greet the tourists in the harbor, and offer wares. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. The footage is not in sequence and various locations are shown; and in some cases the accidents are clearly fatal. The film also shows Chevy's in the showroom at the 1:20 mark, and indicates that Chitwood drives a "stock" Chevy (whether this is true or not we don't know!) A woman and some children on the carousel (:00). In this issue of the Army-Navy Screen Magazine series (No. I thought I was the only one who did that, LOL. Harper is a ragdoll with streaks of ginger running through her fur. There are many ways to find a name for a cat. Ricky Martin is a cute name too. History. This silent, German film shows fighting on the Western Front in World War 1 and contains material shot between 1916-1918. This black & white educational film is presented by the Illinois State Department of Public Health. Shauna L Bowling from Central Florida on August 06, 2019: Carolyn, I too, am a long-time cat person. This color home movie is about a visit to Disneyland in Anaheim, CA in the late 1950s. It shows the course of the battle which was one of the largest tank engagements of WWII, and a major defeat for the Wehrmacht. It contains horrific images of wounded and deceased American soldiers, including a naked corpse at the :50 second mark. Produced by the Atomic Energy Agency and NASA, this film details Project NERVA -- the Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application. If traditional names don't seem to fit your feline buddy's light-hearted nature, here are a few funny cat names that might. More on this below: The Dole Air Race, also known as the Dole Derby, was a tragic air race across the Pacific Ocean from northern California to the Territory of Hawaii in August 1927. I didn't see any of my cats' names in your list. A little girl rides in a rocket ship round and round (:37). At  5:48 , a funeral home is... "Another Columbus Sails West" is an historic silent newsreel showing the flight of the Graf Zeppelin dirigible on its first trans-Atlantic flight. Tortoiseshell cats are easy to fall in love with. Currently, I have three indoor cats, ages 10 and 11. Almost any sound can be recorded magnetically and played back immediately, the viewer is told at mark  00:55  as we watch a man adjusting various tape machines including an Ekotape that we’re told are available for sale to schools, churches, and industry, and are comparable to those used at radio stations and professional recording studios. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Valentine, Ceam Puff, Piper, Blaze and Frohiki! I was surprised to not see that listed for black cats. The film begins with landing at Shannon Airport, and from there begins a storybook-like trip through villages and the countryside to Cork, Tipperary,  the Blarney Stone, Tipperary, the Trinity Library, and Dublin. It is hard to watch without becoming emotional, seeing so many brave, young men who have been subjected to the horrors of battle. You can’t help but think of wild cats when you see their gorgeous coats. The Big Apple and the Empire State are the focus of the 1950s travel film, “New York.” It opens with scenes of skyscrapers and bustling streets as the narrator explains how they are symbols of a great metropolis. Then there are two outdoor cats that have adopted me. This black & white educational film is about the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. Intended to inspire kids to become interested in amateur radio, this production targeted schools and encouraged teenagers to take up ham radio as a hobby. I've been a cat owner for most of my life and have learned many tips and tricks for keeping cats happy and healthy. As a work of propaganda, the film vividly shows the turbulent, inflationary times that followed World War I and attempts to show how Hitler's Germany will be a powerful nation. Here There Be Monsters is a side quest triggered by speaking with Donny Kowalski, who's located on the docks behind the Shamrock Taphouse.He'll excitedly tell the Sole Survivor he has been seeing an eyestalk peeking out of the water off the docks and will remain convinced it belongs to a sea monster, regardless of how the player character may respond. Differences in male and female structural development are emphasized. He puts on his wig, red nose, and white gloves. . For felines that carry themselves with dignity and grace, names like Skippy or Goofball won’t do. At this point the vaccine had not yet proven its effectiveness, and tests were ongoing. This film is a part of the series titled ‘Weekly Digest’. Directed by Max Miller, LSD: INSIGHT OR INSANITY is one of the classic anti-drug films. Operation Husky, was a major World War II campaign, in which the Allies took Sicily from the Axis Powers (Italy and Nazi Germany). The perceived perversity of the universe has long been a subject of comment, and precursors to the modern version of Murphy's law are not hard to find. I’m betwin mittens or coco on July 07, 2020: I’m geting a 11 week old kitten and I need a name, my cats are going to be happy with these names. Created with footage shot by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, CAMPS OF THE DEAD is a graphic newsreel that shows concentration camps as they appeared to the liberating Allied armies in 1945. Created for home use, this short, silent version of TAG DER FREIHEIT: UNSERE WEHRMACHT (English: Day of Freedom: Our Armed Forces) was directed by Leni Riefenstahl, following Victory of Faith and Triumph of the Will. Why does Khloe keep texting Zach too? It was produced by Eduard Bushkin, written by Moisei Belenki, and edited by F. Chicago with the help of consultants Lt. Cols. ", was made to encourage the purchase of bonds and stamps in support of the war effort. Now I have three other devils. This film is by Encyclopedia Britannica Educational Corporation (:08). ZOOM is no longer available at pbskids.org ZOOM teacher resources are available on PBS LearningMedia. The risque nature of the exhibit is a bit dumbfounding to a modern audience, as it features a "nudist colony" and "live model" art class. PUBLIC HEALTH FILM GEORGIA 18654, SALLY RAND BURLESQUE SHOW AT STREETS OF PARIS EXHIBIT CHICAGO WORLD'S FAIR 1933 54914, U.S. NAVY WWII NAVAL AVIATOR TRAINING FILM "THIS IS IT" REEL 1 33064, 1950s SCOTTISH WHISKY DOCUMENTARY FILM SCOTCH DISTILLERY GLENROTHES GLENLIVET WHISKEY15554, 1927 DOLE AIR RACE OAKLAND TO HONOLULU HAWAII 28984, Concentration Camp Nazi Atrocities Holocaust Documentary 77504, FUNCHAL & MADEIRA PORTUGAL 1930s TRAVELOGUE FILM, THE CAUSES AND IMMEDIATE EFFECTS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR WWI THE GREAT WAR 29894, LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE 1960s LSD DRUG SCARE FILM "ACID" ACID TRIP PSYCHEDLIC ERA 64084, ALLIED INVASION OF SICILY SILENT WORLD WAR II NEWSREEL 28854, JOSETTE INCREDIBLE WWII ERA BURLESQUE CARNIVAL ACT 43304, U.S. NAVY HALLUCINOGENIC DRUG SCARE FILM LSD TRIP TO WHERE? These name ideas for gray and silver cats highlight their beauty. Not even when I would go "psssst psssst psssst." Photo by Krysten Merriman from Pexels, created in Canva by Author. The nephew is telling his uncle of his desire to leave the latter’s corset factory business in pursuit of employment with Ford Motor Company ( 1:43 ). This documentary, filmed entirely by military photographers, recounts the U.S. Navy's 1946-47 expedition to Antarctica, known as Operation High Jump. Tea cup ride (2:36). Images followed by photos are of bicycling, roller skating, skateboarding, tennis, birthday cake candles, strumming a guitar, golf, football, cereal, waxing a saddle, grilling hotdogs, and a wedding (:40-1:34). George Rice Chitwood (April 14, 1912 – January 3, 1988), nicknamed "Joie", was an American racecar... Semper Paratrus, the Coast Guard's song, is made into a music video in this War Department-produced film which features footage of Coast Guardsmen training and at sea. This educational film from 1940 gives viewers a brief overview of the causes of the First World War, a recap of the war, and the political-geographical consequences of the war. The film shows Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Italy in 1943, and contains some great shots of General George S. Patton in command of invasion forces. It may have been made at the Glenlivet distillery near Ballindalloch in Moray, Scotland, which produces single malt Scotch whisky, or the Glenrothes distillery located in the town of Rothes in the heart of Speyside. At 1:57 Soviet tanks are shown on fire on the outskirts of the city. Pin-up girls in the movie are Leona Fredericks, Ruth Sitarr, Dorothy Partington (who was featured in Life Magazine during the war posing with clothes made out of stamps) and Hollywood actress Carol Ohmart, 00:46. Here are some name ideas for yours: Photo by David Savochka for Pexels, created in Canva by Author. It shows various footage from WWII fronts including construction of the airstrip on Green Island, footage of the pilots of the first all African American fighter outfit and captured German soldier interrogations in Italy. Poor kid. Various experts discuss how LSD is made and the hazards involved in using it while avid users explain... Psychedelic montage from the Summer of Love includes a brief bit of the San Francisco Be In (:24) and a rock concert with lots of wild dancing (1:24) and strobe lights. This WWII War Bond film, titled simply "EVERY WAR BOND KILLS A JAP! This film makes an earnest attempt to discuss fallout and makes several important points about how dangerous it can be. Austria-Hungary Emperor Joseph. This version of the film is silent with title cards. Some cats are real characters. Tarzan, released in 1999, is the 37th film in the Disney Animated Canon and the tenth and final film in the Disney Renaissance. Periscope Film LLC's archive is one of the largest military film collections in private hands. It won the Academy Award for Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. Shiloh doesn't have a middle name because she doesn't really do no-no's. Buenosia Carol from Pexels, created in Canva by Author. The film was originally released in December of 1935. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. This black and white adverting film about safety built-in to the 1957 Chevrolet cars is presented by Chevrolet dealers and is a Jam Handy Picture. Full of horrifying images that vividly show the baseless and vile nature of the Nazi death camps, it is hard to even begin to describe the images herein. It was named after the German pioneer of airships, Ferdinand von Zeppelin, who was a count (Graf) in the German nobility. 85), viewers are treated to a short documentary on the U.S. Navy’s Antarctic expedition Operation Highjump, a 1946-1947 mission to Antarctica to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV, assess the feasibility of maintaining a permanent base, and further American understanding of the continent. Created in 1933 by the newly-ascendant Adolph Hitler, "Deutschland Erwacht!" One of these ideas might be perfect for your adorable feline friend. This 1980 color educational film, “The Film/Paper Story” was presented by the Eastman Kodak Company. Yes, everything . Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II climbs into a carriage (01:15). Exhibitionist & Voyeur 11/07/19: Be My Guest Ch. note . This 1950s Civil Defense film describes the fallout produced by a fission atomic bomb from a surface burst. Coco is 6yo and Harper's 1yo. If you’re looking for names for your male or female cat, this list offers more than 400 ideas to choose from. Photo by Satria Wira Bagaskara, created in Canva by Author. Axel Rose when he's in trouble! Created with footage shot by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, CAMPS OF THE DEAD is a graphic newsreel that shows concentration camps as they appeared to the liberating Allied armies in 1945. Photo by Emily Hopper from Pexels, created in Canva by Author. If you’d like to give your white feline a name that reflects its breathtaking coat, here are a few ideas for you: Photo by suetot from Pixabay, created in Canva by Author. A new airstrip here... High Frontier was a private company that promoted space-based strategic defense against nuclear ICBMs. Shot by a member of combat camera named Edwin C. Udey who was tasked with making a documentary about the field treatment of wounded, this silent footage was taken during the Battle of Saipan in 1944. As the narrator notes, every two and a half minutes — approximately equal to the amount of time spent watching the film — another American soldier has fallen in combat. The natural gas well fire was nicknamed “The Devil’s Cigarette Lighter. carolynkaye (author) from USA on August 29, 2019: Hi Cynthia, I'm so glad you like it. Some of them famous around the world — such as the Waldorf-Astoria (mark 01:03) or Grand Central Station (mark 01:20). JC Scull from Gainesville, Florida on March 31, 2020: Great article. This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections... Made in 1947, "Human Growth" was the first film about human reproduction to be approved for screenings in American public schools. It is a Jam Handy Picture and presented by RCA Victor. This short, silent film from the 1940s features "Glamorous, Exciting Stars" -- pin-ups, dancers and burlesque acts. At  1:22  the film includes a segment featuring Josette, the "darling of the American Army in Africa and Italy" who was "photographed in Oran, North Africa in 1943". I have 2 cats called Coco and Harper. It begins in 1951, in southern France where citizens had been hit with a strange illness constituted with pain, high fever and hallucinations (2:24). This late 1920s, early 1930s educational movie attempts to provide some insight into the Seminole tribe in Florida's Everglades. The 834th Airlift Command is shown in Saigon, Vietnam with its C-130 aircraft. The film opens with a woman wearing a coordinating 1950s skirt, sweater, neck scarf, and pearl bracelet.

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