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feng shui front door facing north

The Feng Shui of windows is important to your house and it is not to be ignored. The front door is one of the primary focal points when assessing the feng shui of any home. Colors to Avoid Avoid the following colors for your North facing front door: green, brown, yellow, red, purple, orange, and deep pink. ... House Building Bedroom Dining Room Living Room Kitchen Bathroom Front Door Garden Staircase. The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Ms Xia said building a home presented the perfect opportunity to lay the right foundations for adopting Feng Shui. The energy from the north, which is fluid and watery, is enhanced by the colors blue and black. It is also the color of wealth. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. Home; Chinese Zodiac . Even if you use another door more often (like your garage door, or side door, or back door), for energy ( chi ) purposes, the front door is the one on the front of the house, usually facing the street. Feng shui recognizes eight directions and associates each with a color, element and aspect of family and social life. Bright red is brilliant on a South-facing door but not on doors that face North. 3 openings. A door that's too large can also be undesirable, because it creates an overemphasis on the water energy from the north. There is little more important in your feng shui than your front door. A Northeast facing front door is an opening to the energy of spiritual growth and cultivation, and its feng shui element is Earth. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. The diamond shape designs on the door (the Fire feng shui element shape) add an active quality of energy to this door, which is a great choice! To take advantage of this, decorate the front door or the surrounding area with wave-like patterns. 10. Can you still have a good feng shui front door if the door color cannot be changed? The feng shui element of North direction is Water, and the corresponding feng shui bagua energy is the energy of Career & Path in Life. If your northwest-facing door is in the middle of the wall -- in the north position in terms of the room's bagua -- it's appropriate to include water colors -- blue and black -- in the room's decor. Feng shui considers the main entry the gateway of chi -- or energy -- and painting the door the color of the direction it is facing is one of the best ways to harmonize it with its surroundings. Among the favorable sectors that has positive energy, one of which is yen nien sector which brings relationship harmony when nurtured. How to Decorate an Entrance for Good Luck, World of Feng Shui: Eight Directions Feng Shui, Feng Shui Tips: Feng Shui Water Fountain - Relaxing Way To Pile Up Wealth, Feng Shui for When Your Front Door Is on the West Side. The fengshui elements for the north include water and metal. Having fire located here can cause loss of the man or loss for the man. For example, Front door facing East -> Element Wood -> colors green and brown Feng Shui Water Element Colors for North Facing Door Your front door is the entrance that allows auspicious chi energy into your home. North has a compass direction of 337.5 to 22.5 degrees and is the only direction of the feng shui element of water, so the best choices for a north-facing door are the water element colors: Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake … This is because the northwest represents the energy of the father, the breadwinner, and heaven. So the topic don't arise at all during consultations with feng shui masters. A Bathroom Facing Your Front Door . Best Use Of Wind Chimes Feng Shui. Office desk/table Feng Shui is very important to us, especially to our career luck. If you already know which direction your front door is facing, well and good, if not, a compass could come in handy. 3. It is where the entire good fortune chi that is meant for your home enters and accumulates. This single part of a house has countless factors to consider in order to getting it right. This is very yin, quiet energy. Generally speaking, feng shui experts do not recommend placing a mirror directly across from the front door, but rather on a wall perpendicular to it. I was born June 1976, year of the dragon. Install lighting between doors. Feng shui call this as energy being rip off (扯水). Should I paint the front door a south feng shui color like red or since my house faces West, paint my door a west feng shui color. House of Career - 2021 Feng Shui Flying Stars The best colors for a north-facing door are blue and black. Harmonizing the door with the direction it faces is important, because that invites energy in harmony with the surroundings. Toilet is a place with moisture, stinky and bad smell, so if you will absorb the negative energy. It can also cause serious illness or health problems. One way is to build a waterfall or fish pond by the front door; another is to hang blue or blue-and-white banners on your front porch. Feng Shui teaches that the front door is the “Mouth of Qi ” or the portal through which energy enters and exits the home; therefore, it is extremely important. Create Good Feng Shui in Your East-Facing Bedroom. A sloping door symbolizes an ax and is not an element of a good Feng Shui house design plan. If there is any obstacle just in front of your door then hang a wind chime just in front of your door … My house in Los Angeles faces west and sitting direction east, however the front door faces south- facing the side of a neighbors house. With a north facing house, you can paint your front door either black or dark blue, the two colors that are associated with the north sector. Selecting an auspicious color depends on many factors, but the most important factor is the direction of the front door and its feng shui element. According to feng shui, front door plays a quite important role. The importance of front door in feng shui cannot be separated from the fact that it is actually the mouth of Chi or energy. “It represents how chi enters your home and life. The … Your front door is the mouth of your house – it is where positive or negative chi enters your house. 6. sunny says: 12-14-2013 I am not a Feng Shui expert, but from what I can tell, the color of your front door should match the direction of the front door, or more specifically the corresponding element of that direction. My house in Los Angeles faces west and sitting direction east, however the front door faces south- facing the side of a neighbors house. 11. 8 mansions feng shui is a school of thought that identifies 4 good and 4 bad area of a house. Black and blue represent deep waters and shimmering blue surface waters. The easiest way to strengthen the feng shui energy needed for your specific front door is to go for the right choice of color. North-Facing Doors and the Water Element. This direct line will cause Chi from the entrance to be lost entirely through the back. Also keep plants inside the office-- especially the jade plant. It’s a playful and innocent front door with excellent feng shui energy for a North facing door. It’s important to know that there are two … Your front door is the entrance that allows auspicious chi … When you have a Northeast facing front door, there is one more feng shui element that you can use as an additional choice of color. "If you have trouble sleeping, let's talk about why that mirror on your … Read: All About the 5 Feng Shui Elements in Home Decorating To make it easy (and visual) for you, I have created two image galleries to illustrate — as well as give further info — on the bestfeng shui colors for a door facing each compass direction. Doors in similar size and not located on one straight line that connect the front door and one of the interior doors are good Feng Shui interior design ideas that create balanced house layout. An Introduction to Feng Shui Front Door. However, in case you cannot repaint your front door for any reason, are there any additional, helpful options you can look at? Front Door is facing the Back Door. Feng Shui Water Element Colors for North Facing Door. If you can apply new paint to your front door, then all this info sounds easy and reasonable. (In a previous blog, I wrote how the direction of your front door can impact your life in that house.). So, the best feng shui colors for a North facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): blue, black, white, and gray. In other words, not a single one of the considerations mentioned above can make or break the feng shui of your front door. Water features are considered especially auspicious in feng shui, and flowing water symbolizes income, particularly when the water piles up, as it does at the base of a fountain or waterfall. Interior doors do not require the same consideration as the exterior of your front door. Similarly, if a door faces directly the door of a toilet, it is bad door to door Feng Shui too. What does a brown front door represent in Feng Shui? Other factors usually enter into the equation, though, including placement of the door with respect to the house as well as the surrounding landscape and neighborhood. Having a backdoor aligning the front door, especially if the back door is transparent, such as a patio door or large windows, create problems in the flow of chi, the vital life force energy. This is the Kou, or mouth of your yang abode. “The front door should be clearly defined and have a presence from the outside. For those reasons, it shouldn’t be used. First of all, it should follow the other common rules for all the other doors in the house about looking good, being in good repair, and not being blocked and cluttered in any way. Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra for Your Home? The audited unit also come with another feng shui flaw. The kitchen is best situated at the back of the house, just … Realtors know this. However, all hope is not lost though. 1. Feng shui is all about good energy, and you can welcome this energy with a strong, auspicious feng shui front door. Selecting an auspicious color depends on many factors, but the most important factor is the direction of the front door and its feng shui element. Water feng shui element colors are blue and black. Feng shui home office rule 11. In feng shui, the front door is the gate through which chi -- or good energy -- enters your home, and certain feng shui techniques can help invite this energy and create good vibrations for everyone living there. The floor plan below show a toilet door facing a bedroom door (in red circle). Why is the front door so important? This direction will foster qualities such as leadership and dignity of the family member and trust and respect by other residents. Crystals are an ideal way to create feng shui front door … In the feng shui compass, north represents your career, while south -- the opposite direction -- represents fame and recognition. The water element is responsible for guiding chi into your home. Feng Shui Front Door Protection. A part of this reason is that more and more people live in apartments without back doors. There are many taboos in the Feng Shui practice related to the positioning, size, color, and other characteristics of the front door. In Feng Shui, the front door is by far the most important, but there are still some important things to note in regards to the back door. The diamond shape designs on the door (the Fire feng shui element shape) add an active quality of energy to this door, which is a great choice! 3 Ways you Can Feng Shui your Back Door (colors, elements, and position) Based on the direction (Feng Shui Area) Select Feng Shui Colors for Interior Doors. The crystal will stop the alignment and keep the energy from escaping. There’s much about the color of the front door, so I won’t be going into much details here. Kitchen in feng shui is “fire element”. A good feng shui home starts at your front door. The one that is on the front of your home. 8 mansions feng shui. But the importance of the back door often flies under the radar. (Image source, CC Licence) What it’s different from the kitchen scenario is that the health problem mostly concerns the urinary system. If you already know which direction your front door is facing, well and good, if not, a compass could come in handy. If the front door is attractive, the front and curb appeal of the home appealing, the house will enjoy good feng shui and the occupants will thrive. The basic way to create a strong feng shui front door is with the harmonious feng shui design; this includes colors, specific shapes, images, and materials. One exception is, if your bathroom is near the front door, a blue or black door … You can also use mirrors to create more visual space, but none of them should reflect the door itself, or you'll end up chasing chi out the same way it came in. I am currently sleeping with my head facing North, however 1/3 of the bed is facing the door and I can’t fit a night stand on the right hand side for balanced feng shui. 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs. If your bathroom is facing the front door, most of the good energy will escape through the bathroom, leaving little or no good feng shui energy to nourish the house. … Not in the living room, not in the main entry, and not even in the kitchen (where so many people focus their attention when selling or renovating a house). I am currently sleeping with my head facing North, however 1/3 of the bed is facing the door and I can’t fit a night stand on the right hand side for balanced feng shui. Should I paint the front door a south feng shui color like red or since my house faces West, paint my door a west feng shui … This kind of direction is suitable for businessmen. Main Doors Facing North. Like YELLOW, RED, PURPLE, ORANGE, and RICH PINK. In classical feng shui, yang energy always wins out over a front street with little traffic/activity. When designing your front door, it's also important to consider its size. If your front door faces the north, you can paint your door with either blue or black. In welcoming chi, the space inside your front door is just as important as the space outside it. The feng shui element of fire is nourishing for the earth element because it creates it, thus the fire element colors are also good for a northeast-facing front door. That’s because your front door is the mouth of chi, the point at which energy enters your house. In case of a North facing front door, there is one more feng shui element that you can use for an additional choice of colors. "The front door is very important in feng shui," The Holistic Home author Laura Benko tells MyDomaine. Placement of plants to feng shui home office. If there is an alcove with a second door, keep that door open and hang a light above it to widen the space. A north-facing front door lies in the water element, according to feng shui beliefs. Anything that combines the colors of the north with the fluidity of water invites the cool northern energies. If your front and back door are aligned, cure this with a 40mm crystal. When the front door opens to the Northwest, it is considered a good destination for the father and older men in the family. The element of Metal is nourishing for the Water element/creates it, thus Metal element colors are also good for a North facing front door. Feng Shui remedies for front door facing another door, front door facing downward or upward stairs, lift door facing front door, front door facing a high-rise, lamp/utility pole or big tree etc. If there are multiple doors facing each other then do hang a wind chime of 9 rods in between to remove Vaastu Dosha of doors. In the most simple terms, therefore, blue … Feng Shui cure for front door facing back door. By using The Spruce, you accept our, Create a Strong Feng Shui Front Door in Order to Attract Good Chi, How to Choose the Best Feng Shui Colors for Your Kitchen, Best Feng Shui Colours for Your Southwest Front Door, The Best Feng Shui Colors for a West-Facing Front Door, Feng Shui Colors for Your Southeast Front Door, Feng Shui Colors for a Northeast Front Door, Pick Your Perfect Front Door Color With Feng Shui, Best Feng Shui Colors for Your South Front Door, Best Feng Shui Colors for a Front Entry Door Facing Northwest, How to Use Popular Decor Items With Good Feng Shui, The Best Feng Shui Colors for an East-Facing Front Door. Read related articles on good Feng Shui Colors. I am female. Home; Chinese Zodiac . Utilize Mirrors in the Bedroom. In feng shui, the front door is considered the traditional front door of your home. A part of this reason is that more and more people live in apartments without back doors. This kind of direction is suitable for businessmen. Here’s the feng shui color list for front doors facing any of the 8 directions. Feng Shui is primarily about the flow of energy where the main door is responsible for attracting the positive flow of energy in your home if the back door is in direct alignment with the main door, it resembles Sha Chi, a harsh quality of feng shui energy. In this case, eliminating dusty objects, objects that throw too much shade, and adding artificial alighting if needed can be very helpful. The north governs luck in your career, so feng shui says that using water element colors promotes your financial state. The most important part of your home to attend to in terms of feng shui is your front door. Determining the feng shui of the front door is not a simple task, and none of the 19 considerations mentioned above are definite or absolute because one factor can greatly outweigh the other if the conditions are right. The best feng shui design is the one that nourishes the feng shui element of the direction of your front door. Green is a very soothing color. Crystals are an ideal way to create feng shui front door … 3 Ways you Can Feng Shui your Back Door (colors, elements, and position) Based on the direction (Feng Shui Area) Avoid painting a front door black unless it faces North, Southeast, or East. The main door, kitchen door and yard in one straight line i.e. The bedroom is in the direction of West area. Use green color in office. It’s a playful and innocent front door with excellent feng shui energy for a North facing door. The front door gets the lion's share of attention because it is considered … A huge focus of feng shui audits concern the front door as it is regarded as the main entryway of energy into a home.

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