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does the bible say do not celebrate birthdays

Does the Bible state such commemorations should be avoided? How would we know how old Noah, Moses, Methusaleh, Isaac and others were unless they had counted their birthdays? There is no scripture that says "Thou shalt not celebrate birthdays, just as their is no scripture that says, "Thou shalt not smoke cigerettes ( or crack cocaine! What does the Bible say about celebrating birthdays? Herod's birthday was incidental to the overall desire to get rid of John. Both Herod and his wife wanted to put John to death. So the question is not "where did God say not to ..." It is always the question "where did God say to ... Where in the Bible does God tell us not to celebrate Jesus' birthday… After all, Scripture tells us to honor our father and mother (of course, not just on those days but every day). There are no verses that state it is wrong to keep track of the passing years of one's life. There simply is no teaching concerning these events one way or the other. There's no Bible law that says that we must not celebrate birthdays. We should not be trying to christianize the pagan traditions. The Bible says otherwise though. But are birthdays pagan? One night, a few days before Pharaoh's birthday, both the baker and butler have strange dreams. After all, what is the birthday of the eternal God? Nor have real Christians ever celebrated Halloween. This is not to say that Jesus becoming flesh was not a great thing, but it is not by His birth that we are saved, neither are we told by God to celebrate it. In the butler's dream, he sees a vine that has three branches. He is eternal Son of God. We're here for the privilege of celebrating who we are in God, and being thankful for having made it through another year! Herodias and her daughter Salome, on the day of Herod's birthday celebration, conspired to trick him so that he would be forced to kill the Baptist. Salome's dance so pleased Herod that he promised her anything (Mark 6:23). After all, HE created you! So why should we act like our birthdays are to be shunned? Jesus says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Revelation 22:13. Romans 14:5-6 - One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day [alike]. Nothing in the Bible says that birthdays should not be celebrated. 17 For he did not kill me in the womb, with my mother as my grave, her womb enlarged forever. Psalms 118:24 - This [is] the day [which] the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. If you're among those who go into debt every year to throw huge birthday bashes for your kid, and hiring clowns and singers and making enough racket to wake the whole neighborhood - that is totally "carnal" and "ungodly" and plain ol' going overboard...If atheists wish to engage in this nonsense, that's fine. In fact, the Bible is silent on the exact dates of the births of all God’s faithful servants—Jacob, Sarah, Noah, Abel, Samuel, Job, Esther, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Peter, Paul, James (Christ’s brother), and the rest of … Fact is, nowhere in the Bible does YHWH forbid us to celebrate joyous occasions in our lives - as long as we don't idolize the situation. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. The only other mention in the Bible of a birthday is that of Herod Antipas (one of Herod the Great's sons). In his epistle to the Romans, Paul addresses the issue of which day should be the day of worship, but perhaps we could also apply this to Christian birthday celebrations: “One man considers one day more sacred than another; … The account of this event is in Genesis 40. There is not one verse of Scripture describing anyone celebrating the births of these righteous men. Although the Bible does not explicitly forbid celebrating birthdays, it does help us to reason on key features of these events and understand God’s view of them. Nowhere does the Bible tell us NOT to be happy and rejoice over certain things, including the day of our birth. It does so in several guises, though each of the following lines of reasoning is in actuality the same point: 1. The Bible does not say to celebrate birthdays 2. With cup in hand, he then "took the grapes (from the vine) and squeezed them into the cup and gave it to him (Pharaoh)" (Genesis 40:11). Jesus birthday was not celebrated Consider t… But believers need to be less flamboyant, constantly remembering that this life is ALL ABOUT YHWH and our need to draw ever closer to Him. Some people have reasoned that since a hanging occurred on a birthday that it therefore is wrong to celebrate the day of a person's birth. We're supposed to concentrate on HIM always and remember HE is the reason for our being and doing. We're supposed to concentrate on HIM always and remember HE is the reason for our being and doing. "Catholics follow Jesus' example of celebrating often and celebrates Jesus' entire life from His Annunciation to His Ascension and most points in between including His Birth, Death, and Resurrection. To the rational mind, in other words, it would seem that it's not necessarily WRONG to celebrate something (even on an annual basis) AS LONG AS the celebration does not substitute for a moedim! 15 Cursed be the man who brought my father the news, who made him very glad, saying, "A child is born to you--a son!" The butler was given back his job serving the ruler, while the baker was hanged (Genesis 40:20 - 22). However, if we think about it principle, then we can discern if celebrating is even close to something that God would disapprove of. What makes it a sin to rejoice being alive and having the privilege of living on God's Earth? 16 May that man be like the towns YHWH overthrew without pity. From the above we see (1) that it is normal for a man to bring news to a father about his newborn; and (2) for that father to rejoice over the birth of a child. All rights reserved. A married woman had falsely thrown him into jail when her sexual advances were rejected. But, the only evidence of anyone "celebrating" their birthday in Scripture seems to be in the story of Herod Antipas who used the occasion to kill John the Baptist.... Scripture does seem to allow for the fact that people also celebrate in some fashion the major parts of their life by throwing feasts - like when the Prodigal Son returned home. There is no reason why one cannot celebrate or thank God for giving us life. While languishing in prison they meet Joseph. This is a 'guilt by association' argument that does not make much logical sense. The top basket held Pharaoh's baked goods, where the birds were eating them (Genesis 40:16 - 17). But when you do, remember to turn it into an opportunity to thank YHWH for your life. Neither does Scripture anywhere discourage a Christian from celebrating a birthday. There are no verses that state it is … And, honestly, how can we gauge someone's age if we do not count their birthdays? Well, it does not mention electricity or computers, either...if we apply the same standard, we would be "lemmings" using a pagan computer.... Birthdays have nothing to do with sorcery. Everything in this world is ALL about Him! She requested John's head on a platter, a gross and evil request that was fulfilled. Fact is, nowhere in the Bible does YHWH forbid us to celebrate joyous occasions in our lives - as long as we don't idolize the situation. Question: "Should a Christian celebrate holidays?" Thus, birthday celebrations do not have a God-ordained origin. Where in the Bible does God tell us not to celebrate Jesus' birthday, but His death, ... (II Peter 1:2-4). In the whole Bible only two birth celebrations are mentioned, one in the Old Testament, that is of the Pharaoh, a heathen King and another one in the New Testament that is, Herod the cruel and ungodly King. There is absolutely nothing wrong with marking your own birthday, or your anniversary, etc. Paul later adds, "So do not let what you regard as good be spoken of as evil" (Romans 14:16). Did. The oldest record of a birthday celebrated in the Bible is that of an Egyptian Pharaoh at the time of the patriarch Joseph. The account is in Matthew 14 and Mark 6. Nowhere in Scripture is the observance of birthdays condemned as sinful or prohibited, and birthday observance as a doctrine is not mentioned in the … While mankind has an obligation to refrain from substituting YHWH's moedim (His appointed times), nothing says we cannot celebrate a certain day - AS LONG AS it does not masquerade as a BIBLICAL holy day. Our birthday example begins with a baker and a butler who served Pharaoh. People celebrate their birthdays every year. © The Refiner's Fire. Jews did not celebrate Birthdays 3. Nowhere does the Bible tell us NOT to be happy and rejoice over certain things, including the day of our birth. Does the Scriptural record witness that annually, at this day of Jesus' birth (whichever day it truly was), the heavenly host would once again offer up praise and glory to God in the highest in honor of Jesus' birth? In this essay we will endeavor to answer those questions by looking at the Word of God, but also what early Church history and what first century Judaism (Jesus/Yeshua was a first century Jew) has to say about this topic. The great Prophets of the Bible Job and Jeremiah have cursed it (Job 3:1-11, and Jeremiah 20: 14-15). It is interesting that birthdays are considered the most important holiday to these Satan worshipers (the founding of their “church”, called Walpurgisnacht, and Halloween are the other ones of importance to them). There simply is no teaching concerning these events one way or the other. The baker then says to Joseph that he dreamt he had three baskets on top of his head. We even have Isaiah 7:14 suggesting that the birth of a son to a virgin is a sign of consolation forever! (2 Tim. Modern Christians may have tried to do away with this law, but the Bible never did. and spent the majority of his life in Egypt. Not only that, but it was eventually through the butler that Joseph's life was ultimately spared! I believe that since it is a celebration of our Saviors birthday, then I think we should ask Him how he would like for us to celebrate it. It is acceptable for a family to rejoice at a patriarchal father reaching a great age, or hugging and loving a child, giving them a gift and congratulating them on their special day! Well, it's true that the ancient Greeks used to celebrate the births of their false gods. How would we count the 8 days for a brit-milah/ circumcision, unless we remembered the exact day the child was born? Jehovah’s Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays because we believe that such celebrations displease God. We should not be worshiping Jesus the way the pagans worship their idols. … Early Christians did not celebrate birthdays 4. When we think of birthdays, it usually looks like celebrating your birthday or someone else’s by getting together and having fun with the people you love. One of the sons of Jacob, Joseph lived from around 1709 to 1599 B.C. The Watchtower draws upon this as part of it formulation to condemn birthdays. 18 Why did I ever come out of the womb to see trouble and sorrow and to end my days in shame? They were both prisoners for bringing the wrath of their ruler upon themselves. The internet teems with websites espousing that YHWH (Yahweh/God) does not want us celebrating our birthdays. The Bible does not specifically address whether Christians should celebrate birthdays, though it does mention two people celebrating birthdays—the Egyptian Pharaoh during Joseph's time (Exodus 40:20) and King Herod during Jesus' time (Matthew 14:6; Mark 6:21). May the day my mother bore me not be blessed! Briefly, Herod had thrown John the Baptist in prison because of comments condemning his marriage to Herodias. Ask yourself, does any faithful Bible character do this in the Bible? Days such as Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, birthdays, anniversaries, etc., are not mentioned in Scripture. May he hear wailing in the morning, a battle cry at noon. But what does that have to do with US? Having a baby is a HAPPY occasion, one which parents celebrate! In short, Christ does not need to celebrate His birthday during his lifetime on this earth, simply because He does not have a beginning or the end. “Do not worship God like the pagans worship their idols.” Deuteronomy 12:4. One could even say a birthday celebration goes against God's instruction in Ecclesiastes 7:1, where Solomon writes, "The … The Bible does not say it is a sin to celebrate a birthday. After all, everything that is in the Bible is there for a reason. The Bible does not record Jesus saying something like, "Do not celebrate my birth but rather my death. (Just as there is no reason we should shun Mother's or Father's Day. Inferences are made due to the few birthday parties of the heathen resulting in … Bible verses related to Celebrating Birthdays from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. The Bible does not say it is a sin to celebrate a birthday. In the temple of Diana in places like Ephesus, the priests would bake cakes, put lit candles on those cakes and sing songs. The Bible does not even hint that it was wrong for Pharaoh or Herod to celebrate his birthday. It was not a Jewish practice to observe annually the date of one’s birth, and hence the Bible does not stipulate the celebration of birthdays. "Everything" leaves nothing out. Children love having birthday parties. According to some websites, it's a sin to even think about celebrating the day of our birth! While one person lost his life when Pharaoh commemorated his birth, another one gained their freedom! The biblical record shows no man or woman of God celebrating a birthday. We aren't celebrating the "birthdays" of pagan gods! Of course, early Christians did not celebrate birthdays nor did the early Jews. Why? The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord." The Bible does not even mandate Christmas or Easter observances. Does it really matter what we do as followers of Christ in such occasions, in other words can we choose to celebrate it or not as part of our so-called “Christian liberty”? Make it more ABOUT HIM than yourself. The bible does not say anything about celebrating birthdays such as Christ’s birth, which has developed into what is now known as Christmas. Added up, what occurred because of a birthday would be a strong argument for keeping them since more good than bad happened on the day! He describes the dream to Joseph and states that he held in his hand the cup of Pharaoh. )We need to reason on Bible principles in such cases. The word "birthday" only appears 3 times in the KJV translation of the bible: Gen. 40:20 And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants. Source(s): The person above states that the Bible does not "mention" birthdays and holidays. Using John's death on the day Herod decided to throw a party to celebrate when he was born, as a reason to shun rejoicing over one's birth, is a fallacious "guilt by association" argument. The Bible does not say anything about birthdays. Other scriptures, such as Proverbs 23:25, also talk about parents rejoicing over the birth of their children. What the dreams would ultimately mean for the butler and baker, as was foretold by Joseph under God's inspiration, would come to fruition three days later on Pharaoh's birthday. Take a look at this from Jeremiah who, who is clearly in a bad mood here: Jeremiah 20: 14 Cursed be the day I was born! Joseph, after he was saved, went on to save his entire family (the patriarchs of the twelve tribes of Israel) from famine in the land of Canaan (see Genesis 45 and 46)! Is it a sin to celebrate a birthday? Answer: The Bible nowhere instructs Christians to celebrate holidays. What does the bible say about celebrating our annual birthday? Even though the actual date is not when most people celebrate on December 25th or January 7th, it is still wonderful to take a day out of every year and celebrate Jesus’ birthday. The Bible has not given any importance to birthday celebrations. 3:16, 17) Also, if we take a look back into history, we can observe that: Nowhere in the Bible does it say NOT to celebrate anybody's birthday, let alone the birth of Jesus.

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