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brown eyes in the sun

"The factors that can cause eyes to change colors—or appear to have different colors—include genes, diseases, medications and trauma," said Omar Chaudhary, MD, an ophthalmologist in Potomac, Md. After the eclipse, Google reported spikes in traffic for questions regarding sun damage to eyes. You may wonder if it’s all in your head -- or is there truth to the rumor that people with light eyes are more sensitive to sunlight? Though brown eyes make up 50% of the population, it doesn't mean they aren't special. Dark brown eyes are most common in Africa, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. This weeks blog article, breaks down the different types of eye related sun damage. Solar Retinopathy. Brown eyes are like the cuddles of a coco teddy bear- snuggling, inviting, and unquestionable at comforting and calming you. As a result, your eyes might appear a darker shade of brown, blue, green, or gray, depending on your current eye color. Common with age, your skin becomes thinner with … These may even occur around your eye area. Iris Color Changes. Thinning skin. Brown is the most common eye color. Eyes with lower pigment (blue or grey eyes) are more sensitive to light. It's as if their initial darkness of brown is luring someone in, forcing them to seek for the hidden beauty. Between 55 and 79 percent of people worldwide have brown eyes. Increased Sun Exposure. This means they don’t need to absorb as much light as brown or dark eyes before it reaches the retinal cells. Color of anything is defined based on the white light shining on and reflecting from it or if the object is a transparent material by white light shining on it and transmitting through it. But, just how does viewing the sun damage eyes? Even if your eye color has set, your eye color could slightly change if you expose your eyes to more sunlight. My eyes shift from a very gold brown to a muted green. That is my eyes. Find out the surprising reasons why brown eyes are beautiful. Sun exposure can make melasma worse over time. Most likely yes. As previously mentioned, exposure to light causes your body to produce more melanin. Brown is the color of the sun's kisses, so brown eyes are the sun's ultimate love in heated warmth showing compassion and silent understanding in the sun… To me, the depth and richness of brown eyes evokes a sense of sincerity, mystery strength, intelligence, confidence, and warmth. Iris freckles are small brown spots on the surface of the iris that are often related to sun exposure. I finally asked the ophthalmologist what caused the double color of hazel. If you have blue, green, or gray eyes, you may have noticed yourself squinting into the sunlight more than your brown-eyed counterparts or needing a respite from the fluorescent lights at work. Eyes are no exception. Once the sun shines through, brown eyes reveal splashes of green, amber, or even orange. He said that hazel was caused by two layers of the iris, the top one latticed. Staring directly at the sun can cause a very serious eye condition called solar retinopathy.

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